The mean value of HR (13844.05bpm) (Figure 1) was higher than expected for a large dog at rest at M0, which may be directly related to an early response to the stimulus. The tests were performed at the usual training site of the dogs, in which the pre-exercise HR rises because of the release of adrenaline from the adrenals and norepinephrine by the sympathetic nervous system (Stephenson, 2014STEPHENSON, R.B. Fisiologia cardiovascular. In: KLEIN, B.G. Cunningham - tratado de fisiologia veterinária. 5.ed. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier, 2014, p.158-262.).
The increase in LVVd after exercise may be explained by the increased preload caused by the union of the muscular pump and respiratory pump and the sympathetic responses, which together allow a greater diastolic filling and cause a greater CO. Contraction of the musculature presses the blood vessels contained in its interior and directs the blood to the calibres as veins of the central circulation, which contributes to the preload increase. The respiratory pump occurs due to the increased depth of respiratory movements during exercise. Therefore, the negative pressure formed in the thorax causes a distension of the central vessels and helps direct the blood from the abdominal veins to the central veins, which increases the venous return and preload (Stephenson, 2014STEPHENSON, R.B. Fisiologia cardiovascular. In: KLEIN, B.G. Cunningham - tratado de fisiologia veterinária. 5.ed. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier, 2014, p.158-262.).
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A significant increase in MAM and a non-significant increase in TAPSE and SF were observed, which suggest an increase in cardiac contractility. Preload directly influences cardiac contraction, and its increase after exercise is associated with a slight increase in HR, which leads to an increase in the force of cardiac contraction according to Frank-Starling's law (Enge, 2006ENGE, R.L. Dinâmica do sistema cardiovascular. In: REECE, W.O. Dukes - fisiologia dos animais domésticos. 12.ed. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogani, 2006. cap.10, p.163-172.). The release of adrenaline from physical activity also exerts a positive inotropic effect (Stephenson, 2014STEPHENSON, R.B. Fisiologia cardiovascular. In: KLEIN, B.G. Cunningham - tratado de fisiologia veterinária. 5.ed. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier, 2014, p.158-262.).
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