In order to focus our efforts, we will apply what we learn to a particular area of historical study: the history of nineteenth-century runaway slave advertisements and slavery in Texas. Working in partial collaboration with each other and with students in a similar, concurrent course at the University of North Texas, students also produce a final, open-web project that illustrates the promise and limits of digital methods to the study of the pre-digital past.
This course may feel different from your usual courses in several respects. First, rather than simply learning course content, you will be asked to apply your knowledge to make new things. Not all of these new things will be determined on the first day of the course. Together with a large responsibility for the final product(s) of this course, you will have a large say in what we produce.
From Homework 4 To Final Project Beginnings
Discussion of fugitive slave ads collected from the Portal to Texas History. Special guest Andrew Johnson, a Ph.D student in the history department, will join us to talk about his own runaway slave ad project focusing on colonial South Carolina.
As also indicated above on the schedule, after Spring Break you will be part of smaller groups assigned to complete part of our final project. Your group must write a progress report each week about your work together. Depending on the size of the group, some of the progress reports may only be written by a subset of the group, with more individual points given for the reports that you help to author; more details about these reports will be distributed once groups and tasks are set. Your group will be allowed to revise and resubmit one of the progress reports within 24 hours of the deadline; the grade for the revised homework will replace the existing grade for that homework.
PBL is becoming widely used in schools and other educational settings, with different varieties being practiced. However, there are key characteristics that differentiate "doing a project" from engaging in rigorous Project Based Learning.
We find it helpful to distinguish a "dessert project" - a short, intellectually-light project served up after the teacher covers the content of a unit in the usual way - from a "main course" project, in which the project is the unit. In Project Based Learning, the project is the vehicle for teaching the important knowledge and skills student need to learn. The project contains and frames curriculum and instruction.
Reading POLICY PAGE: This is the implicit contract you are agreeing to by taking the course!
Picoscope Software users guide
--- PIC32 specific manuals ------------ -------------------------------------------------
PIC32 hardware manual sections (local copy of Full Manual -- HUGE)
PIC32 Peripheral Libraries for MPLAB C32 Compiler (local copy)
PIC32MX2xx datasheet -- Datasheet errors! Errata
MPLABX IDE users guide PIC32 I/O pin and Configuration bit details
Specific header p32mx250f128b.h for info only. The complier includes this for you
PIC32MX1XX/2XX Interrupt Table 1, 2
PIC32 interrupt IRQ names and vector names int_1xx_2xx.h for info only. The complier includes this for you
--- ProtoThreads and Sean Caroll's Big board (SECABB) --------------------------------
ProtoThreads on PIC32: background and current version
Development Board page (including example codes for ProtoThreads 1.3.2)
General: Synthetic Serendipity (IEEE Spectrum, Volume: 41, Issue: 7, Year: July 2004) Off-campus link
The Ariane 5 explosion
Patriot Missile Failure
An Investigation of the Therac-25 Accidents
Therac-25 (MIT)
IEEE code of ethics
Ethical Issues in Empirical Studies of Software Engineering
Student projects plagiarized
PIC32 Lectures (from Fall 2015, 2016, 2017) and PIC32 projects AVR Lectures (from Spring 2012) and AVR final projects. (hackaday, hackedgadgets) Old AVR-based home page (Fall 2014), Old Homework, Old Lab exercises. Old PIC32 home page (Fall 2019)
Homeworks will be done individually:each studentmust hand in their own answers. It is acceptable, however, forstudentsto collaborate in figuring out answers and helping each other solve theproblems. We will be assuming that, as participants in a graduatecourse, youwill be taking the responsibility to make sure you personallyunderstand thesolution to any work arising from such collaboration. You also mustindicate on each homework with whom youcollaborated.
Use library or computer lab time to let your students begin their research. This type of research project provides a great opportunity to partner with your school librarian and learn about new research resources available to your class. Your students should use at least three resources and their information should come from both printed and online sources.
From dioramas to book reports, from algebraic word problems to research projects, whether students should be given homework, as well as the type and amount of homework, has been debated for over a century. [1]
Data from a nationwide sample of elementary school students show that parental involvement in homework can improve class performance, especially among economically disadvantaged African-American and Hispanic students. [20]
Then, students can dive into the role that each figure played in history, what events they influenced, and their legacy. This is a good chance to teach students about finding credible sources online, creating a bibliography, and improving their writing. Your students can exchange their final Black History Month projects and provide peer feedback or share them with the larger class.
Outliers may or may not be influential points. Influential outliers are of the greatest concern. They should never be disregarded. Careful scrutiny of the original data may reveal an error in data entry that can be corrected. If they remain excluded from the final fitted model, they must be noted in the final report or paper.
A brief description of your final project topic is due at the beginning of class, Thursday, April 10, 2014.
Final Project due Thursday, May 8, 2014.
029:278 Final Project
Most of the class will focus on lectures and problem sets. Another key component -- worth 30% of the grade, and correspondingly important -- is a final project, wherein the student will dive in depth into the cutting edge of research.
Missing assignments will adversely affect your final grade. Missing one assignment will cut one letter grade off your final grade. Late work will result in lowered grades (at least one letter grade, e.g. from A to B, or from 3.8 to 2.8).
2) At the end of the quarter, submit a portfolio of all work and only work for this course. In the portfolio, clearly write your name, course number, and project name on the back of each of your pieces. And put work in chronological order, from first project to last.
At the dawn of the twentieth century, homework meant memorizing lists of facts which could then be recited to the teacher the next day. The rising progressive education movement despised that approach. These educators advocated classrooms free from recitation. Instead, they wanted students to learn by doing. To most, homework had no place in this sort of system. 2ff7e9595c